LOVE conquers Hate

And we do hate…
I hate hate. It is an ugly behavior.
I hate the excuse, “I’m only one person, and I can’t change the world.” You can.
I hate lying. It is deceptive.
I hate intolerance. It alienates.
I hate murder. It is evil.
I hate pedestals. They divide.
I hate all violations of abuse. It destroys.
I hate starvation. It kills.
I hate disrespect to the ones who serve to protect. It is absurd.
I hate cancer. It steals.
I hate Parkinson’s. It enslaves.
I hate Alzheimers. It incarcerates.
I hate animal cruelty. It is weak.

We are but one entity, and we can make a difference.
Not because it will enhance personal gain, but because it is the right thing to do.
There are thousands of charitable organizations that battle our hates of the world.
In an effort to promote a better future, we commit to donating to programs that support human progress and responsibility over operating costs.
Look for updates in the client profile accounts.

So what is your hate list?
Fuel it or douse it?
History has proven the former.
But then again …
Shark in Shades
Expect the unexpected.